Live! at the Stage on Forest

Live! at the Stage on Forest

Laguna Live! Presents: Live! at the Stage on Forest

Last night saw the first of a series of performances from Laguna Live! at the Stage on Forest, Forest Avenue Promenade.

A much needed and long waited for, Live! performance was given by Jazz Pianist Ron Kobayashi. To the delight of the audience, Jazz Vocalist, Debi Raven, joined Ron on stage for a couple of numbers.

Safety measures are fully in place on the Promenade which allowed listeners to relax and enjoy the lively performance. 

The series continues through September 2nd on Wednesdays, 6-8pm. Next up on Wednesday July 15 is pianist Dan Reckard.

Thanks to the City and the Art Commission for creating this fantastic space, where Laguna Live! can continue to provide outstanding music, give employment to their artists and fulfill their mission of making Laguna a music town.

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