Fostering Creativity in a Time of Crisis Grants for Laguna Beach Artists

Fostering Creativity in a Time of Crisis  Grants for Laguna Beach Artists

Made possible by a gift from the Wayne Peterson Fund of the Laguna Beach Community Foundation

Laguna Beach as a community has evolved with Artists at its core. Artists are integral in shaping our city and are an economic driver. The City of Laguna Beach Arts Commission believes that in order to support resident Artists they need to work here to remain here.

Cultural Arts Manager, Siân Poeschl developed a proposal for a grant program for Laguna Beach Artists to return to creative work. Poeschl shared the concept with the Laguna Beach Community Foundation who have undertaken great work and have supported the community during the COVID-19 pandemic. A donation of $100,000 was awarded to the City of Laguna Beach, made possible by a gift from the Wayne Peterson Fund of the Laguna Beach Community Foundation, to support Laguna Beach Artists. The grant program was unanimously supported by the City Council and Arts Commission.

Arts Commissioner Suzi Chauvel said “Wayne Peterson, former Mayor and Arts Patron, would be so proud to support our culture of working Artists in Laguna Beach. I’m so pleased his legacy will continue with the Fostering Creativity Grants.”

Poeschl said “These grants will allow Artists the opportunity to reimagine what changes they must make to sustain their future in uncertain times. Facilitating the opportunity for Artists to create work, that is shared with the community, celebrates our healing to this pandemic and reinvigorates the economy. Artists define our community as a different and special place to visit and where we call home.”

Grants will be awarded to Laguna Beach resident artists of amounts between $1,000 and $8,000. An easy on-line application is available at Artist may submit a proposal for a creative project, by providing examples of their work and how it will be shared with the community. Arts Commission Chair, Adam Schwerner has a video message about the application available by WATCHING HERE.

Other helpful information to assist in making an application:

Zoom Meeting Webinar

Monday, June 29, 2020 at 9 a.m.
Web-site LINK HERE  Or call 1 (669)900-9128
Meeting ID 7770677
Password 770677


Arts Commission Vice-Chair Pat Kollenda added: “This is an Incredible and hugely appreciated opportunity for our talented and well deserved Artists. A huge thank you to the generosity of former Mayor Wayne Peterson.”